The great interest of doctors is attracted by the method of electro-punctual diagnostics, introduced in 1953 by a German doctor Reinhold Voll.
The electro-punctual method by R.Voll is a diagnostic method that combines basics of Chinese doctrine of acupuncture and the possibilities of modern electronics. Dr. R.Voll combined acupuncture knowledge with skin resistance phenomenon measured by an electronic device.
A unique advantage of the method - the opportunity to test allopathic and homeopathic medicines, select cosmetics, jewelry made of any metals, herbs, metals for dentures and filling material etc. without violation of skin integrity and mucous membranes. It will help to evaluate the degree of effectiveness of individual substance for a particular patient.
Medical testing with R. Voll method allows you to:
• significantly reduce the time of examination;
• increase diagnostic accuracy and decrease laboriousness;
• make early diagnosis at the stage of pre-clinical manifestations;
• identify existing disorders in various organs and systems of the patient (acute, sub-acute, chronic, degenerative, neoplastic processes);
• identify pathogens and toxins;
• indicate sensitivity of micro-flora to medicines;
• implement a focused selection of physiologically adequate medication for treatment of patients taking into account their individual tolerance;
• identify pathogenetic mechanisms.
• test different medications on compatibility to each patient;
• detect presence or absence of radionuclides in the body;
• choose an optimal diet for a patient;
• determine presence or absence of adverse effects in a variety of household items: jewelry, cosmetics, clothing;
• optimize the course of treatment in polyclinics, inpatient and sanatorium-resort establishments.
Compactness, low cost in comparison with analogues. This device allows equipping a significant number of doctors of various specialties. Medical vollist can reliably diagnose disease and an affected organ within 40-60 minutes. Small size of the device, low power consumption and stand-alone power suppliers can be successfully applied not only in stationary conditions - in clinics, but also at home, on expeditions, etc.
Highly effective device "Deka-Voll" can be used for checking up the personnel responsible for complex technological processes and transport (for example, in the nuclear industry, aviation, etc.) to limit a human factor in man-made disasters.
Operating supply voltage: 4.5 V
Weight: 600 g
Dimensions: 210x75x20 mm
Power supply: (battery type AA (penlight) 3 pcs 1.5V.
Manual in English and Russian!
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