The nozzles are designed to expand the possibilities of the therapeutic apparatus by delivering the radiated power of the light flux directly to the patient's cavity organs and can be used in the performance of treatment in gynecology, including:
Nozzle 1 G - for the treatment of cervical erosion;
Nozzle 2 G - for treatment of vaginal lesions (vulvovaginitis, vaginospasm, etc.);
Nozzle 3 G - for the treatment of vaginal lesions in conditions of preservation of the hymen (according to the results of the preliminary gynecological examination);
Nozzle 4 G - for treatment of diseases of external genital organs (bartholinitis, etc.);
Nozzle 5 G - for the treatment of diseases of the mammary glands (lesions in the nipple region).
The surfaces of the nozzles are polished, which prevents the possibility of injury to the patient during the treatment procedure, reduces lateral radiation, facilitates their disinfection.
Technical specifications:
1. The nozzles are made of non-toxic optical organic glass, which transmits a light flux of the range of 300-1000 nm.
2. The pulse power of laser radiation on the tips of the nozzles is not less than 2 W.
3. The overall dimensions of the nozzles (mm), the direction of the light radiation are shown in the figure.
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